Left foot, right foot graduating

I never thought that I would be writing this blog post — it kinda seemed like I would be stuck in freshman year forever, but here we are. I love doing the semester roundups with all of my favorite memories because I love being able to go back and reminisce on the years and semesters before. 

Truthfully, this has been my easiest semester yet in terms of schoolwork and extracurriculars. I ended all of my leadership positions in Chi O and Adopt-A-School, and that took a lot off my plate. In the fall, I had a part-time job (which was 15 hours a week) at Stitch Fix. Even though I loved it, the 15 hours a week was too much for me– in February, I put in my 2-weeks. That helped a lot with my mental health and finally being able to relax. This also allowed me to focus a lot more on my blog — I’ve hit a few exciting milestones this semester! I created a podcast Conversations with Cam, I hit 1,000 followers on Instagram, and hit 15,000 views on my blog! I am really excited about these small milestones that show me my hard work is paying off. 

An overview of life currently– I graduated on May 9th, I move into my apartment on July 1st, and I start my full-time job on July 12th! Life is moving quickly, but I can say with full confidence that I am really excited (and really nervous). I graduated from OSU Summa Cum Laude (and I am super proud of this!!) with my B.S.B.A in Marketing and a Minor in Fashion & Retail Studies. 

I wanted to first share my favorite memories with my favorite people — my roommates! Maddie, Elise, and Holly — you all have been my rock & my rays of sunshine when I truly needed it the most. I love you all with my whole heart, and my college experience would not have been as great without you all by my side. 

Although since one of my passions is making others feel less alone in their mental health struggles, I wanted to remind everyone that even though I am posting all of these pics of me smiling, that doesn’t mean I didn’t have bad mental health days!! Please enjoy these very beautiful & candid pics of me:

This semester I went on a few trips– 

Chi Part 1

Chi Part 2

Asheville, NC

Miami, FL

Cleveland, OH 

Another one of my favorite memories of senior year was becoming friends with our next-door neighbors —

More friends–

Graduation weekend was probably one of my favorite memories out of my four years here at OSU. My family was able to visit, and I was able to meet a lot of my best friend’s families as well!


On Friday, we went to happy hour and dinner with my roommate, Maddie, and her family. 


My family arrived in the afternoon on Saturday, and I took them to my favorite places to eat in cbus like Bristol and Forno! We also were able to spend time with our friends & their families during a happy hour. 

Ohio State had two separate graduations in the Shoe, so we were able to graduate in person! It started raining really hard about halfway through, so we ended up leaving to grab some food. 

Here are some of my favorite graduation pics! I am truly so thankful for the people who made the last four years feel like home.     

& that’s a wrap! next stop, CLE!

as always, go bucks

best wishes, be well and thrive,

